December 1960
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 2, 1960
Was at Mrs. B.’s in forenoon had coffee. She going home with Myrtle in P.M. Joe came and disconnected tubs. Later Jim and Ralph came, broke it up and took it away. So heavy. Did some ironing. Carrie went downtown in P.M. and to Mrs. Merchants at nite! Caught cold.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 3, 1960
Baked strawberry pie made jello and cooked meat. Helen and Jim happy to eat with us. Helen brot us 3 pr. hose for our birthdays. I cleaned all around as it was such a nice bright day.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 4, 1960
Picked Carrie up quite early. She not good her back and side besides her cold. She went to S.S. and church as usual. Came here and ate her dinner. In a short time she wanted to go home. We went to cabin did some things then home. Lo wrapped packages. Helen came had coffee with us. After she had gone Lo made a batch of cookies. I had things out and measured. Called Beloit. Expect painters tomorrow.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 5, 1960
Loie’s birthday. Joe and Jim came up to set laundry tubs. Jim helped a little while then went. Ralph came and cemented a few holes. Joe didn’t finish until nearly noon. Lo called to say she wanted to go to Elgin which we did. Came to cabin quite early ate and were home right after 7:30 when ‘phone range and Dorothy called to say her mother had passed away. Sitting in her chair when D. got home. Lo sent telegram to Ruth, later I wrote to Harry too. Called Ole. Went to Carrie’s with the news. Zella called to wish Lo happy birthday.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 6, 1960
(Service class.) Mrs. B. had called last nite to ask about rolls. Told her the sad news. Edna called about having the meeting, told her I’d be there. Took things all over while it was day lite. Had hair appt. so kept that too. Lo had been up this A.M. to tell Bess, she came down in P.M. I was at cabin so she came over for a while, later we went back over the fence and had coffee. Lo took Bess home, she went to cabin. I went to Mrs. B.’s. A good crowd and party.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 7, 1960
Mrs. B. went to her grw. circle. Mary Pierce came in P.M. Also went down to Loie’s, met Vi in drug store. Went to cabin had steak. Came home quite early.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 8, 1960
Talked with Edna in the A.M. Mary Blum called. She knew of Mary’s death. Mrs. B. had been here for coffee. Katherine Renich came in P.M. we had coffee and Fattigman. Lo had planned to go to Elgin so did after eating. Had letter from Harry, bad snow storm there about 10 days ago. Very cold today, wind bad.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 9, 1960
Wind bad again. Went to Carrie’s after doing some work. Mrs. B. wanted me to come in when I went to Carrie’s. Mae P. came in P.M. While at coffee Mrs. Elfer came, she had tea. After getting home from cabin Lo made batch of fruit cookies.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 11, 1960
Lily wanted to take us to dinner to celebrate our birthdays so went to Lake Lawn. Came home about six. Wanted nothing more to eat so addressed cards and wrote on many of them. Loie had wrapped gifts before.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 12, 1960
Called Dorothy in eve. Cleaned up stairs good. Did dozens of other things. Went to Grace L. church to hear Florence B. Ellis. Very good. Helen took us and we picked Beas up too as Alvena had given her a ticket. Seemed to enjoy it.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 13, 1960
Mary Ann came Tuesday nite. I had cleaned and picked up everything but last minute things. Over to Carries with papers. Saw Mrs. B. as usual. I had taken tree in and later got it in hall. Had to straighten it a little and decorate it, no lites.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 14, 1960
Up early, rolls a disappointment. Mrs. E. came at 10:30. I had done a lot but more to come. Had a good meeting exchange and potluck. All enjoyed it.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 15, 1960
K.J. and Sally came late. Missed the 10:30. Didn’t get to bed until 2:30 so tired. Electricians here to wire for outlet for heater. Mary Ann came before noon and stayed until 2:30. A gloomy day misting etc. but didn’t amount to anything.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 16, 1960
A beautiful day but very cold. Talked with Mrs. B. and later saw her. Russel and Mary going to Dakota Saturday. Took her table back to her. K.J. got up but Sally slept all day. Went to cabin to eat. Back home and took them to train bound for Beloit and Madison.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 18, 1960
Picked Carrie up for S.S. took her cookies for the kids. Program in eve. After eating decided to go home. Lo said she would take her to church at 7:00. Lo and I were making cookies. Lo thot she would call Helen and was surprised to learn Helen had been sick all day and had called the Doctor. Came later. We had been to cabin, Lo at barn I filling wood box and getting kindling.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 19, 1960
Helen better, very cold. Over to Carrie’s and Mrs. B.’s. Her brother’s condition the same. Washed again later will iron.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 20, 1960
Doing usual round of everything. After getting in from cabin went up to see Bess and Edw. She going to Vera’s on her birthday. I had my hair done in forenoon. In P.M. Lo took me to see Mrs. Wynhoop. Wards brot washing machine. I not here so haven’t learned how to run it.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 21, 1960
We planned to have pancakes for Helen and watch Perry C in color which we did.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 23, 1960
13 degrees below this A.M. Not so windy later it came up. Went to Carrie’s with papers and over to Mrs. B.’s to read letters. Her sister coming today. Sort of planning things for tomorrow.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 24, 1960
Set rye bread later set Juli Kakee, made dressing, cooked ham for eve. meal. Mixed pot fruit for salad etc. Vi came with coffee cake and gift for Loie. Bob and David stopped in. Out to cabin to wait for folks. Helen came later we started to eat about three when folks arrived. Had our gifts then they ate.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 25, 1960
A most beautiful day quite mild. Took Carrie to S.S. Came over about 12:30. Roasting chickens. Helen arrived about 1:00. Ate before two. Took our time. Went up to Lee’s for a short time. Del, Helen and boys there, Mary Ann David and Bob, too. Don out to cabin so Lo, Pink, M. and K.J. and I went out to feed then K.J. Lo and I home to sleep.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 26, 1960
I up early, Lo too. Cleaned up some. K.J. up at 10:00. She went on 11:17 to Beloit to see Jean off on plane for the East. Bob and David stopped in a minute on way to Mich. We got ready to go to Elgin so picked folks up at cabin. Don stayed to watch Ball game. Returned about 4:30. Helen there so ate a bite with us and went to town, other dates. Don raring to get home so came in and packed up, they left about 7:30.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 27, 1960
Still trying to clean up here and there. Lo shopped at noon. Went to Carrie’s with papers in the A.M. In P.M. took her groceries. Has a head cold again and owly. In P.M. had pains so went to bed early.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 28, 1960
Slept real well feel a little washy. Planning on going to Beloit which we did. Left at six, arrived at 7. Left at past 9, home a little after 10. K.J. going to Madison tomorrow eve. for over nite.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 29, 1960
Woke up at 5:00, decided I’d do some washing, no big pieces until next week. Mrs. B came later than usual so fixed scram. eggs and bacon. Lo to have hair done. Clothes of course froze stiff but seemed good they are clean.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 30, 1960
Helen leaving. A nice day we’re invited out for tonite hope it works out. It did. Saw our four kittens.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
December 31, 1960
Took tree out and things up in attic. Picked up and cleaned to a certain extent. Cooked for eve. Lo cut up and burned tree at cabin. Getting near home because so sick did nothing but write until mid nite.