December 1975
Marcy S., age 51, North Carolina
December 11, 1975
Elizabeth Maker, one of my new sisters in Christ (she’s only 28 but our age difference doesn’t even matter!) prayed together this morning on the floor in the living-dining-bedroom of her house, with little Reuben playing nearby. We prayed with our understanding and also in the Spirit, interceding for family members, for Patsy, and for brothers and sisters in Rock Church. We laid hands on each other and prayed for personal needs. Elizabeth asked that God would use my musical talent in a wonderful new way — I just want Him to use it for His glory. She also asked that He use me in the healing ministry, increasing my compassion and concern for those who suffer. We shed many tears but the light and joy of the Lord’s presence were so real.
I must support Jim and Chris more with my prayers and with spoken words of encouragement.
Now the chains of “too much to do in too little time” in preparation for Christmas have been broken. Help me to discipline myself, Lord Jesus, each day, but not to get in a dither when I don’t accomplish what I plan to. This is going to be Your Advent and Christmas season — may everything I do be to Your honor and glory!
“The Child – The Cross – The Crown.”
Marcy S., age 51, North Carolina
December 15, 1975
Lord Jesus, I believe it was You who woke me up at 3:15 this morning and put this burden on my heart for Uncle Walter and all the other dear friends and relatives I’ve been trying to write the annual Christmas news letter to. It’s become more and more of a chore the last few years — feeling I had to report on each member of the family. This is okay, I guess, and of interest but not the kind of news that will really bless anyone. This Christmas I want to somehow share the new life You have given me, precious Lord, because I want all these others to have it (You) too. I offer each one to You now as I write these cards and ask that You will prepare each heart to receive what You want to say through me. Oh, bring each one into Your Kingdom, Lord, for Your honor and glory. Amen.
Marcy S., age 51, North Carolina
December 19, 1975
Thank you, Lord, for helping me to write these cards and especially the letter to Uncle Richard, who wrote on the back of his 88th birthday picture, “My only companions are a TV, a radio, a bottle of bourbon, my pipe, and a dumb Mynah bird, and no one to warm my back.” How sad and lonely that sounded, even though he’s always been a very independent man, worldly and self-sufficient. I felt a longing to share the Companion I’ve found and told him how I met Jesus Christ, alive and real in all His power and glory though Rock Church. Oh Father God, prepare Uncle Richard’s heart to receive this good news and bring himinto you Kingdom very soon, for Your honor and glory.
Marcy S., age 51, North Carolina
December 29, 1975
Lord Jesus, I want my life today to bring joy to You. Help me not to grieve Your Holy Spirit or displease You in any way.
I’m reading The Renewed Mind by Larry Christenson and have just discovered the answer to a years-old question: if I were consistentlymore loving and responsive to Warren, would he stop drinking? This is what “the old landlord,” Satan, has been telling me for years and I see now that it is the whip of the law — “You have to be more loving!” Christ Jesus is the end of the law so I will start telling the old landlord, “Take that to Jesus. Whatever good is to be worked in me will come through His Spirit, not through the law.” I can’t make myself more loving, only Christ’s spirit can do that. I turn to Jesus in praise and adoration.
Marcy S., age 51, North Carolina
December 30, 1975
In the name of Jesus and by His authority I forgive Warren for all the heartache and anxiety and frustration and embarrassment he has caused me (and our children) by his drinking. He is in bondage now to this power of darkness and cannot free himself. Lord Jesus, I can’t break his bonds — I can’t make him want to be free — only You can do this. All I can do is release him through forgiveness, not in my own strength, but in Yours.
I’ve been trying for several years now to release Warren, to let him go, to put him into Your hands, but I haven’t been able to do this consistently or for any length of time. This “unilateral forgiveness” must be the secret I’ve missed.