August 1991
Mark S., age 38, Tennessee
August 1, 1993
Up ~5:30 A.M. Packed van. Moved Oriental rug upstairs with Sandra; she still mad at me. “Bye” to Sandra about 6:10 => to Nashville with Emily and Sarah; medical journal enroute (E & S read to me.) Lunch in car ( PB&Js that Sandra made); “ABC” game with E&S; drove through Harriman, TN (where Mom grew up); listened to Lake Wobegone on tape player; to Red Roof Inn in Nashville ~4:10. Phone to Tom Blanks at our house; phone from Sandra. Diary. To Holiday Inn at Briley Pkwy with E&S; played foosball, “putt-putt” and ping-pong in lobby with kids. Banquet to honor Scottish dancers (sat with Sarah, Jo Moore, Pat Johnston, and Barry, Karen and Toby McNeill); talk, drinks, watched kids dance after dinner. Back to Red Roof Inn ~11:00. Phone from Sandra.