August 1997
Mark S., age 44, South Carolina
August 31, 1997
Sandra woke me up at 6 A.M. to tell me re death of Princess Diana in MVA in Paris after being chased by photographers. :( Back to sleep til ~8:00. Talk in bed with Sandra. Watched news reports on Princess Diana’s death. Breakfast with Sandra at the South Beach Deli; two-handed Spades. To Westin Resort for American Academy of Pediatrics conference; diary, medical journal poolside at break. Filled out conference evaluation questionnaire during lectures; left Westin ~1:00 => met Sandra at Truffles in Sea Pines for lunch; Spades. To grocery store in Harbor Town with Sandra; to Sea Pines Tennis Center; newspaper in bathroom at Harbor Town Golf Links clubhouse. Tennis with Sandra => hit for ~45 minutes, then played sets (3-6, 4-6). To Truffles to get bike => biked back to condo at South Beach solo. Phone to Rebecca at Mortons’. Walked over to South Seaport Cafe for supper; talked to kayak guide re alligators. Walked back to condo with Sandra, then out on beach with Sandra. TV tennis (Spirlea > Coetzer in U.S. Open) while playing Spades => cut Sandra’s lead from ~400 to ~160. Sandra to bed. Medical journal while watching TV football (Redskins > Panthers in season opener). Diary. Watched Sports Center. Office bills. Newspaper.