December 21
Laura M., age 15, North Carolina
December 21, 1997
Worked from 7-1. Went on nice long walk. Slept. Showered. Went 2 dinner with Wendy and Eric and Em. Watched “Simpsons” etc.
Anna L., age 76, Illinois
December 20, 1960
We planned to have pancakes for Helen and watch Perry C in color which we did.
Marcy S., age 14, Tennessee
December 21, 1938
Had to get up at 9:00 because had to practice at Mrs. Moore’s with Carol Watson at 10:00. Only had time for breakfast. Cold out but I foolishly thought it was warm and wore my spring coat. I took Mrs. M. some powder puffs for a Christmas gift. Carol came soon so we practiced. (P.S. Mrs. M. had a ’phone call that Mr. Moore’s brothers had had a crack-up in their plane but weren’t hurt badly.) Sang first and then danced. Carol played for me. Mrs. M. loaned me her ballet dancing slippers to practice in and take home with me. We were soon thru and I walked part way to town with Carol. She is Miss Roberts’ niece and lives with her. After my shopping I went home and house-cleaned the bedrooms and hall. Daddy not home for dinner. Had late lunch with Mother and then did some ironing. About 3:00 Mother left for town and then about 3:30 took Mother Lane and went to Wartburg with a doll buggy for some poor girl. I practiced and wrote in this Diary till about 5:00 and then went over to George’s with my book to await Mother’s return. Marie Burgess stopped by for the gift I was to take to C.E. party. I decided it was best not to go. Margaret Scott was at George’s. They were popping popcorn with our poppers so G. gave me some. Listened to radio (he did) and read (I did). Soon Mother came so I went home and read till 6:00. Daddy came. Mrs. Rodgers Jr. (Dr. Jim’s wife at Dayton, Tenn.) had a son which had been expected the 15th. Nancy, her first child, is coming to stay with Mrs. Rodgers, her grandmother. Mr. Tarwater died in New Mexico. Very sad. At 7:00 (after supper) listened to One Man’s Family and sewed. Then kept radio on till 9:30 while I stuffed dates. At first everything went wrong. Daddy and Mother put up the Christmas tree. I heard Fred Allen and Edgar A Guest. Then bath and to bed. P.S. George practically told me what he was going to give me for Christmas.
Henry S., age 26, Michigan
December 21, 1887
I spent the forenoon in writing. I made some Christmas greetings and sent one to the Dexter Leader and one to Prof. Risinger. It snowed hard this afternoon 3 or 4 inches at any rate falling. We received an invitation to Henry Queal’s wedding which happens next Thursday. I got the box, which was sent to us from home, but we are not to open it until Christmas. I made out 2 letters to students who have finished the 3 month course.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Cornelia H., age 26, North Carolina
December 21, 1862
Late breakfast this morning. Quite cool but pleasant, now one o’clock. We have not had dinner yet. It will be on before very long. Fannie made some dried peach pies yesterday evening. They are very nice. We eat in my room when it is cold. Boyd has not commenced the chimney to the dining room yet. I don’t think he intends to this winter. Mrs. Fanning warped the cloth for the negro’s jeans last Friday. It will be away long in Jan. before they get their clothes. They are not very needy yet awhile. Mr. Henry is sitting here before the fire. Boyd is here & rather about, out in the house. Willie is out with Atheline. Pinck is out with the little negroes. Zona is in the room with us. Mr. Henry vacinated the children this morning. Pinck & Zona bawled awfully. He has not vacinated Willie yet. Mr. Henry has a very good scab on his arm, put in at Dr. Peake’s. Boyd’s two daughters are here, just came in. Also Steph Jones. I must stop and see a little about dinner as it is going on two o’clock smartly. Mr. Henry & I went to the mill this evening & then up by the stables. The children, Pinck & Zona, were along with us. Pleasant this evening.
*(Fear in North Carolina: The Civil War Journals and Letters of the Henry Family, Eds. Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, used with permission.)
Samuel P., age 34, London
December 21, 1667
At the office all the morning, and at noon home to dinner with my Clerks and Creed, who among other things all alone, after dinner, talking of the times, he tells me that the Nonconformists are mighty high, and their meetings frequented and connived at; and they do expect to have their day now soon; for my Lord of Buckingham is a declared friend to them, and even to the Quakers, who had very good words the other day from the King himself: and, what is more, the Archbishop of Canterbury is called no more to the Cabal, nor, by the way, Sir W. Coventry; which I am sorry for, the Cabal at present being, as he says, the King, and Duke of Buckingham, and Lord Keeper, the Duke of Albemarle, and Privy Seale. The Bishops, differing from the King in the late business in the House of Lords, having caused this and what is like to follow, for every body is encouraged nowadays to speak, and even to preach, as I have heard one of them, as bad things against them as ever in the year 1640; which is a strange change. He gone, I to the office, where busy till late at night, and then home to sit with my wife, who is a little better, and her cheek asswaged. I read to her out of “The History of Algiers,” which is mighty pretty reading, and did discourse alone about my sister Pall’s match, which is now on foot with one Jackson, another nephew of Mr. Phillips’s, to whom he hath left his estate.
*(The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A. F.R.S., edited by Henry B. Wheatley F.S.A., London, George Bell & Sons York St. Covent Garden, Cambridge Deighton Bell & Co., 1893.)