February 1
Laura X., age 18, United States
February 1, 2006
I guess I’ll use this little book for anything I want. So I was talking to my friend Ashley and realized that I don’t feel like I’m almost 19; I feel like I turned 15 and stayed that way forever. It’s quite a relief, really; I always thought that adults just got boring, until I realized that most adults are not as mature as I’d thought back then. I turn 19 in 8 days, but I don’t feel like it. I’m just a girl who’s allowed to watch Sue Johanson on Sunday nights and movies with sex and violence, and I’m allowed to play with knives, get called for jury duty, and cook with the oven. I just don’t feel older, which is great; it’s like being a kid who’s allowed to do stuff that was forbidden. Of course, I have responsibilities, too. Damn.
Laura M., age 14, North Carolina
February 1, 1997
Mom picked me up at 12:00. Came home and practiced guitar. Chilled with Em. Went to Bluffs with Mom and Janis. Courtney came over. Had pizza and we went to Zack’s. Me and Sean were together again. Courtney spent the night.
Laura M., age 13, North Carolina
February 1, 1996
Courtney’s ungrounded. Today I wrote Pat a poem for Mrs. Beal’s class. It almost made Renee cry. Mrs. Beal read it to him & his class. I had so much homework today! Eddie picked me up at 4:15 & took me to Dr. Silber. I may graduate from group soon! Had pizza, pie, & homework at Eddie’s. Came home.
Mark S., age 36, North Carolina
February 1, 1990
Emily cried re letting Rebecca fall out of wagon. Sarah let Rebecca fall from wagon => laceration on forehead => to office for VSS (Dr. Steele) to suture lac. (3 stitches); Sandra met us at office; Sarah 4(+) upset.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
February 1, 1960
A raw chilly day no sun. Did a big wash put sheets and some cases on porch. Other things in basement. Lo took me to Ole’s while she shopped. Went to cabin then home to shop at Piggly’s and over to Carrie’s. Edna called in P.M. not going to service class Tuesday because of cold. Lo will take us.
Marcy S., age 19, Missouri
February 1, 1944
Bright and cold. Good breakfast. Practiced at 8. Shorthand at 9. History test at 10. Not so very hard but lot of writing required. Mr. Berry still sick so no class at 11. Getting worried about that review! Record, blouse, and U.T. catalogue came. Read book at 11. Good lunch. Read book and helped Betty with art during siesta. Went to infirmary for blood test at 2. Back to hall and finished book. To practice at 3. Letter from Earl and card from Mum. Went to grooming clinic at 4. She was busy so I sat outside and waited until 5 - nearly went crazy and felt like crying. Finally the girl left and I went in. She was very sorry that she hadn’t known I was there and told me to come in Saturday as she had a meeting. Next time I’ll make my presence known! Back to hall to find Clara there munching an apple. Cloudy and cold out. She left when it started rain. To dinner with Mary and Betty. Studied. Went to tearoom with Mary. Back to study. Then had really good thought session in closet on religion. Am getting places!
Marcy S., age 16, Tennessee
February 1, 1941
Cold, cloudy, then milder. Left for Chattanooga about 8:30. Arrived about 10:30. Took “Bundles for Britain” to the headquarters. They were very glad to get them. Shopped till 2:30 when Dad and Mr. Jelly (a friend) met us at the S&W and we dined. We still tease Mom about her 70-cent dinner -- and rich dessert! Shopped in afternoon till 4:00. Bought cute Easter bonnet. Mom did lots of shopping. Home about 6:30. Stopped at town. Saw Mary. Wish tomorrow were Monday. Time line! Oh! To bed right after supper.
Henry S., age 26, Michigan
February 1, 1888
We think Una acted some better today, and she is going to improve. It continues moderate and the snow is settling. I had a sled ride down the big hill tonight, as I came home from town, had no mishap as I did last winter. My classes so far are going on nicely. I got the blues over them at times, but perhaps there is no need of it. Am feeling very tired tonight.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Henry S., age 25, Michigan
February 1, 1887
Thermometer 8 o below zero this morning. I went up to see Mr. Olson this morning but did not find him at home. Stopped at the Court House and visited Mr. Nevins and talked about penmanship. I let him take the Gaskell Compendium which I never use, as I have better ones. It was near noon when I got back. Went up to my classes as usual, had two new students in the penmanship class. After school I went to the store and while there looked at the books they keep. I didn’t see anything but what I could easily do. Have been writing up a lot of copies tonight. I think I will start another letter to my Kate before I go to bed.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Columbus T., age 31, North Carolina
February 1, 1874
Went to Sunday School at Edenton St. Methodist Church. Some of the blind carry a piece for the Children. Mr. Best former Secretary of this State has a base voice equal it would seem to about half dozen ordinary voices. He appears to be about 6 ft. 6 in. high and said to be the smallest of 5 brothers. His daughter seems to be 6 ft.
Went to the Presbyterian Chruch for the first time this session. Heard Mr. Whaley of Va. from the words “What hast thou done — behold the voice of thy brothers blood cry unto me from the ground.” A sensib[l]e practicable sermon in which he depicted the different kinds of murderer. A good preacher, but seems to crack his voice rather much.
Went to Baptist Sunday School Singing and Prayer Meeting. A number of new converts spoke asking prayer in behalf of comrades &c. Prayer offered in behalf of Mr. Armstrong [In left margin] who is one of their earnest members, and is very sick. Have remembrance.
*(Worthy of Record: The Civil War and Reconstruction Diaries of Columbus Lafayette Turner, Ed. Kenrick N. Simpson, courtesy of the State Archives of North Carolina.)
Cornelia H., age 32, North Carolina
February 1, 1868
Snow melting some cold nights and bright days. Mr Henry hired a negro named Jow last week. George Muse has been staying here some two weeks he’s a good conditioned child I think.
*(Henry Family Papers, 1837-1911, North Carolina Room, Pack Library, Asheville, NC)
Cornelia H., age 25, North Carolina
February 1, 1862
I began Jennie a saque & Atheline finished it. I made some cake & dried apple pies after dinner. Willie is doing finely. Mr. Henry came home late in the evening. Cloudy all day & rather cool. Nothing of interest going on. Rumor says J. L. Henry’s negro Bob was hung yesterday. I hope it may be true for he certainly deserves death. He committed rape on an old woman some three years ago & effected his escape.
*(Fear in North Carolina: The Civil War Journals and Letters of the Henry Family, Eds. Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, used with permission.)
Samuel P., age 35, London
February 1, 1668
Up, and to the office pretty betimes, and the Board not meeting as soon as I wished, I was forced to go to White Hall in expectation of a Committee for Tangier, but when I come it was put off, and so home again to the office, and sat till past two o’clock; where at the Board some high words passed between Sir W. Pen and I, begun by me, and yielded to by him, I being in the right in finding fault with him for his neglect of duty. At noon home to dinner, and after dinner out with my wife, thinking to have gone to the Duke of York’s playhouse, but was, to my great content in the saving my vow, hindered by coming a little too late; and so, it being a fine day, we out to Islington, and there to the old house and eat cheese-cakes and drank and talked, and so home in the evening, the ways being mighty bad, so as we had no pleasure in being abroad at all almost, but only the variety of it, and so to the office, where busy late, and then home to supper and to bed, my head mighty full of business now on my hands: viz., of finishing my Tangier Accounts; of auditing my last year’s Accounts; of preparing answers to the Commissioners of Accounts; of drawing up several important letters to the Duke of York and the Commissioners of the Treasury; the marrying of my sister; the building of a coach and stables against summer, and the setting many things in the Office right; and the drawing up a new form of Contract with the Victualler of the Navy, and several other things, which pains, however, will go through with, among others the taking care of Kate Joyce in that now she is in at present for saving her estate.
*(The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A. F.R.S., edited by Henry B. Wheatley F.S.A., London, George Bell & Sons York St. Covent Garden, Cambridge Deighton Bell & Co., 1893.)