February 2
Laura M., age 14, North Carolina
February 2, 1997
Mom took Courtney home at 9:00 a.m. We went to Tarboro. Came home at 6:30. Did guitar. Talked to Karen, Sean, Shannon.
Laura M., age 13, North Carolina
February 2, 1996
Sleeted. Today was so fun! 1st it was a 2-hour delay. I still got up at 6:00 because I had to finish homework. Eddie took me & Shannon to school. At 5th period, the lights went out! We got to leave school early! When me & Sean were in the halls & it was dark, I wanted to kiss him so bad! I love the dark! Shannon spent…
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
February 2, 1960
Ironed sheets and other things that were dry. Didn’t go to Ole’s. Started cookies cut my finger on broken cup. Couldn’t do much for a while bleeding badly. Did drop cookies. Out to cabin. Soft boiled eggs and toast. Home to get ready for service class at Emily’s. Lo took us, Minnie Moore brot us home and such a time. Lo up and waiting.
Marcy S., age 19, Missouri
February 2, 1944
Cold and cloudy. Rainy in morn. Overslept and missed breakfast. Betty gave me a lecture last night about not getting enough sleep! Which probably accounts for the oversleeping! :) Letter and check from home. $24. Mum wants explanation of where all that January money went! Will have to go slower. Test in dancing class. Got to Mary and we did required steps. Went to infirmary and found out blood was okay. Went to bank. My budget is going to work on a weekly basis from now on! Stayed in library after Eng. Lit. and Betty and I read history for tomorrow. Then she looked at art pictures and I read some of Deeping’s short stories. Sort of good but awfully sentimental! Back to hall about 5. Letter from Mum and catalogue from U. of Chicago. Read more stories. Betty and I looked at catalogue and got all enthusiastic. Good dinner. Betty didn’t go. Read afterwards and then studied. Mary and Hillory came down later. Ate apples. Hillory is so corny! Joan came about 10:30 and she and Betty studied art. I had another good thinking session.
Marcy S., age 16, Tennessee
February 2, 1941
Cloudy, rained. Worked on time line in afternoon with George’s help. He played some impromptu funeral marches and I felt so queer inside. Mom and Dad went to church. Helen came about Christian Education time.
Henry S., age 26, Michigan
February 2, 1888
I took Jimmie down to the creek to water this forenoon. It was the first time he has been on the road since this winter set in. He stumbled a good deal when he got off the beaten track. I will have to take him there to get exercise. It has continued mild, but was cloudy, so a bear could not see his shadow today and I suppose the rest of the winter will not be hard. Una seems about as yesterday, we think she is gaining as she laughs more. I had a new student enter for bookkeeping today.
Henry S., age 25, Michigan
February 2, 1887
It was not so cold this morning, 8 above, and has been growing warmer all day. There was a fall of 2 or 3 in. of snow last night. I wrote a letter to Scott and finished the one to Kate this forenoon. Went over to my house to see that things were all right. Mr. E. Coats and J. Adams visited my class in Bookkeeping this afternoon and talked of joining the same. I was obliged to speak to a boy, by the name of Ward Knight about noisiness in the hall and received words back which ought to be the means of his expulsion. I got a letter from Kate tonight with lots of news in it. Got information in regard to the Correspondence University.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Columbus T., age 31, North Carolina
February 2, 1874
Some peculiar but pleasant dreams. Day opened cloudy and rainy which continued all day with accumulation of ice on the trees &c. The Revenue bill was passed on its second reading. Many little amendments were offered which were either adopted or rejected.
Letter from C.A. Carlton recd concerning school law and more especially the usury law, which he thinks would not be beneficial if adopted. If it is the true interest of the majority of the people of N.C. to have a law and fixed rate of interest, I am for it notwithstanding it may be my individual interest to leave it open to contract as I am more apt to loan than to borrow. Slept after dinner. At Supper Huston found a birthday present at his plate which he was afraid to exhibit. It proved to be a baby’s garment. Jokes and small talk till bed time. [In left margin] 12:15 I had better go to bed. Good night Sis.
*(Worthy of Record: The Civil War and Reconstruction Diaries of Columbus Lafayette Turner, Ed. Kenrick N. Simpson, courtesy of the State Archives of North Carolina.)
Abbie B., age 22, Kansas
February 2, 1871
A cold windy day. I have my hands full now.
We had a good school, and every thing went well.
Had good order, and the children were learning fast – until that school closed south of us, and the five pupils from there, came here. Variety they say is the spice of life – not in this case.
*(kansasmemory.org, Kansas State Historical Society, copy and reuse restrictions apply)
Cornelia H., age 25, North Carolina
February 2, 1862
Cloudy & cold. Mrs. Reynolds & Smith preach at the Academy today but we are not going. My tooth aches a little & Mr. Henry has consented to stay with me. He is very kind. Willie was fretful last night. His bowels pained him I think. The negroes have gone to old Daniel Jones’ buriel. He died Friday night with dropsey. Fannie is getting dinner. Atheline has Willie. Old Mr. Boyd is here, will stay for dinner I think. I must stop as I want to write to Ell today. I made a pallet before the fire. Mr. Henry, the children & I lay down awhile. It rained some this evening so we did not take our accustomed walk.
*(Fear in North Carolina: The Civil War Journals and Letters of the Henry Family, Eds. Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, used with permission.)
Samuel P., age 35, London
February 2, 1668
(Lord’s day). Wife took physick this day, I all day at home, and all the morning setting my books in order in my presses, for the following year, their number being much increased since the last, so as I am fain to lay by several books to make room for better, being resolved to keep no more than just my presses will contain. At noon to dinner, my wife coming down to me, and a very good dinner we had, of a powdered leg of pork and a loin of lamb roasted, and with much content she and I and Deb. After dinner, my head combed an hour, and then to work again, and at it, doing many things towards the setting my accounts and papers in order, and so in the evening Mr. Pelling supping with us, and to supper, and so to bed.
*(The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A. F.R.S., edited by Henry B. Wheatley F.S.A., London, George Bell & Sons York St. Covent Garden, Cambridge Deighton Bell & Co., 1893.)