January 10
Laura M., age 14, North Carolina
January 10, 1997
Today was good at school. At Ashley’s I found out that Sean likes me. :) But I don’t want to hurt Leslie. :( Mom picked me up. Watched story. Dad took me to Courtney’s. Went to dinner with her, Shannon W., Mike H., David, Lauren, and B.J. At 3:00 (a.m.), me and Courtney went out to meet B.J. and just chilled in his Mustang. They’re so cute!! :) Makes me sad…
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 10, 1960
Up as usual, went for Carrie then home. Lo didn’t sleep well nor I. Lo did all manner of things. Carrie came after church. We ate, later Lo worked on maple chair. Took Carrie home at 4:00 then out to cabin to clean out fireplace. Called Amy as she had been in to see Ole; learned he’d had surgery and was really sick. Asked me to go in but didn’t. Shoulder and arm miserable besides Ella was here and going. Couldn’t have talked with Ole anyway he too sick. Lo became sick from fumes etc, hot tea and a hot bath helped.
Marcy S., age 16, Tennessee
January 10, 1941
Bright, cold. Mother better. Stayed in and typed. Not caught up yet. Mary stayed, too. Then we stood outside and talked and froze till nearly 5:00. I felt terrible -- life is such a mix-up. Oh, I wish I had never been born. I don’t know whether I’m going or coming and Mary doesn’t understand. Dad and I got supper. Mary let me read the rest of her account of that night and she did guess the meaning of the Scripture verses.
Henry S., age 25, Michigan
January 10, 1887
I got up this morning and went over to my house --- took Fred’s shovel --- dug my way in through the snow, and built a fire and commenced to settle things there. Called at Mr. Morrows when I came back to breakfast. Took dinner at Mr. Waters’ and then Willie brought my things over for me. I was busy all day and am not quite ready yet to stay there all the time, so I am here with Fred Neill tonight. I went up town and collected some money to send for Book-keeping works in the morning. I finished a good long letter to Kate tonight. I went up in my woods today, the snow is pretty deep.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Cornelia H., age 25, North Carolina
January 10, 1862
My head entirely well. Mail came but nothing new. We got no letters, though a good many came to the neighbors. Uncle Sam had a severe attack of the cramp collic today so I sewed but little but will finish the coat tomorrow if nothing happens. Aunt Tena & Fannie at work at the lard, did but little as Uncle Sam was very bad off for a while. Fannie got part of the sassauge ground. Jinnie is cooking now. Atheline in the field.
*(Fear in North Carolina: The Civil War Journals and Letters of the Henry Family, Eds. Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, used with permission.)