January 3
Laura M., age 14, North Carolina
January 3, 1997
Got up at 11:00. Me and Bryan were bored with the T.V. until about 1:00. Then, Eddie took us to Goodwill and we ran some other errands. Came home. Went on a joy-ride with Mom in the Miata. Me and Bryan watched “Clueless.” Watched “Primal Fear.” It was really good. Finished at 11:30. Went to bed.
Marcy S., age 16, Tennessee
January 3, 1941
Nice but colder. Had fever in morn so stayed in bed all day. Felt better. Helen and Mary came to see how I was. While Mom and Dad were at Kiwanis at night, I read parts of “Rilla of Ingleside,” my favorite book. The more I read it the more I love it. It took me far away from here and from my cold and myself.
Henry S., age 25, Michigan
January 3, 1887
I got up early this morning and ate my breakfast, warmed my feet and prepared for the long stage ride. There was one other passenger from Traverse as far as the Central House where we took dinner and a young lady got on at Inland and came through to Benzonia. She will attend the College School. I got out at D. Taylor’s—took supper there, called at the Professors rooms and had a long talk about the school work. I am staying tonight at Mr. O.B. Waters. I hope the morrow will be passed with no jar, and that I shall then know what I am to do.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Columbus T., age 31, North Carolina
January 3, 1874
Took the train at Greensboro about 1 A.M. and had a good disposition for sleep when we reached Salisbury. Changed cars and arrived in Statesville about 6 A.M. Went to Simonton House now kept by Col. Sadler of S.C. Layed down to await breakfast, and barely slept. Engaged horse & buggy to carry me to Turnersburg but J.M. Turner an uncle coming up with me, said he was going there with his buggy and so I went with him. Had pleasant conversation on the way — roads very muddy — some rain and cool. Found my father and Offie and David Stimpson at the store — attending to business. Looked in the P.O. box and found three letters, one written Nov. 18th/72 — one from Geo. McCrindell and one from some of my constituents concerning the act of incorporation for Centre Church [torn] on the China Grove [torn] had dinner talked and J.M.T. went on his way home.
*(Worthy of Record: The Civil War and Reconstruction Diaries of Columbus Lafayette Turner, Ed. Kenrick N. Simpson, courtesy of the State Archives of North Carolina.)
Cornelia H., age 25, North Carolina
January 3, 1862
Mail came, no news. I had a letter from Mr. Henry today. He is quite well. Was in Greenwood S. C. the 25th, going to Augusta the 26th. I suffered all day with headache, in bed part of the day. Read all the papers but nothing new. The children all well, staid out all day on account of my head.
*(Fear in North Carolina: The Civil War Journals and Letters of the Henry Family, Eds. Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, used with permission.)