June 4
Laura M., age 15, North Carolina
June 4, 1997
Today’s weather was horrible! Cold and rainy with hard exams. (Biology and ELP.) Didn’t see Chris once. :( Chilled in halls during break. Boring. Went home with Renee. We watched “Little Mermaid.” Love that movie. Malia took me home. Slept some. Packed. Watched story. Dad picked me up at 5:30. Had dinner and pie. Emily stopped by. Watched “Party of 5.” Karen.
Laura M., age 14, North Carolina
June 4, 1996
Albert has been really nice lately. He can't keep his hands off me and he admitted it! Me and Shannon didn't do a thing. Had pizza party in 7th. Fun. Shannon's gonna have a pool party on the 21st. That's good, I guess.
Anna L., age 75, Illinois
June 4, 1960
Lo up ahead of me, made beds later. Drove down and brot steaks cake, etc. home and left car. Another beautiful day, predict rain tomorrow. However it came this PM. We went to cabin. Lo wanted to broil charcoal steaks on grill. It rained just a bit and stopped so managed to cook them under a tree. Had to eat inside of course but got along fine. Watched TV and just as were going home it rained.
Marcy S., age 19, Tennessee
June 4, 1944
Very warm. Partly cloudy but nice. Up about 9:30. Breakfast and dressed. Pop had gone so Sunday school. About 11 Betty and I set out for Episcopal Church. Mum followed. Pop took the service and read the sermon. Afterwards I introduced Betty to the people and then she and I walked up by the Presbyterian Church with Betty Bothwell, while Mum and Dad went around the other way. Had dinner about 1. Cold meat and potato salad, etc. Yummy! Then just as Betty and I were starting the dishes a taxi drove up and out stepped a soldier. Pop had gone to see a man. Mum went to the door and it was Merlin Cox, one of “Mrs. Steven’s boys” who has been in Panama and S.A. for the past few years. He was so changed that Mum didn’t recognize him at first. He’s 6 feet anyway and a very fine looking soldier. He likes army life — it has certainly done a lot for him! He was a rascal in his day. He was very polite and mannerly. He remembered that I played the piano and asked me to play. I did. He left about 4, sorry to have missed Pop. We couldn’t get over how he had changed! Betty and I washed the dishes and then sat out in the back yard with Pop and wrote and read the funnies. Later George came over — oh yes, he came while we were at dinner and made a great racket knocking. I went to the door, looked all around him and said “I don’t see any body!” It was so funny! He announced that he’d be back later but some boys came for him and he went off. About 6, though, he came over and read the funnies and we kidded with him. About 6:45 we went in to supper and he went to Christian Education. Mum was going to ask him to supper but found we didn’t have enough milk toast. Had good supper and then we dressed for church. Drove down to Methodist about 8. Found out the service had started at 7:30. Crowded. We had to sit in back room. Quite warm. Judge Eblen sat in front of us and is completely devoid of manners! The man who preached is leading a revival this week at the ME. Church and was supposed to be a very good speaker. But Betty and I were disgusted! He raved and snorted and made no appeal to anyone’s reason! I hate this emotional approach to religion — it isn’t for intelligent people. And most of the people there were intelligent. Margaret played the organ. I was certainly relieved when it was over — 2 people joined the church. We sang a beautiful hymn “Above the hills of time” or something and that was the end. I bumped into Mr. Waterhouse first thing and then Betsy Ann who greeted me joyously! The Pan and the Hudsons and Mary Lou Beck and Mrs. Geasland, all of whom I introduced to Betty. Mrs. Robinson said Jean had the measles and couldn’t play in her recital! Mrs. Greliland nearly knocked me over and Mrs. Shaefer gave me a hug. Everyone was so nice! Waited and waited and Mary and Horace finally issued forth, in deep conversation with the man who has been holding a revival at the Christian Church. When Mary spied me she broke away and just about squeezed the life out of me! We talked awhile and she said Horace had joined the Christian Church this morn! He came over for a minute and threatened to hug me — then he and the man were at it again. We walked over to the Maxwell’s corner where Mum was talking to Ivy Hill. Said ’bye to Betsy and Pan. Mary is more beautiful than ever! Mrs. Marsh’s recital is tomorrow night but we’ll be away. Mary asked what we were doing Monday and Tuesday nights and I told her — I said I’d call her later in the week. Horace finally came and was introduced to Betty — everyone calls him Dogwood now! We all parted and walked up by the Youngs. I went up on the porch and said Hello to Mr. and Mrs. while Pan ran out to talk to Mum and Betty. Then we said “night” and walked up to the Williams to say bye to Jane and her grandmother who are leaving Wednesday. We all visited on the porch and then left by the back way. Jane is so funny — and sweet, too. We said bye. There was a gorgeous moon — a beautiful night. Somehow I felt strangely let down. Later than we thought when we got home.
Marcy S., age 16, Tennessee
June 4, 1941
Day dawned windy, cloudy -- clear and rather cool. Daddy took yesterday’s holiday today. Mom certainly minded getting up at 7:30 for my sake. Just before breakfast William called to see if we were still going, due to rain. I emphatically told him we were.
About 9:00 I went up to get Helen and she wasn’t even dressed. Her mother had waited till this morn to tell her she thought she shouldn’t go because there was so much work to be done -- canning beets, to be exact. Besides, they might go on their vacation tomorrow and Helen’s help was needed to get ready for it. Mrs. M. told Helen to go ahead and although Helen was mad, she went. Presently, arrayed in slacks and carrying lunches, we were ready to go. Met George and persuaded him not to take “Youripedees” along -- a stray puppy he had found. Dr. Nut walked partway with us.
Twenty-five minutes late, we finally arrived at William’s. Mary was sitting on the porch, reading. She gave George some water and then we parted. Stopped at Goody’s and sold her a ticket. She said she didn’t think we’d ever make it to the tower. Note: having slept on it, we decided to take all risks and, Pap being none the wiser, to hike to the tower, as originally planned. I then ran back to leave the money with Mary who would take it to the Webbo with her where Mom could get it. I wore the little glass horse for good luck.
At last we were on our way. Went up behind Massop and made the steep ascent to the reservoir road, following the telephone line. Above the road there was no path so we struck out into the damp wilderness of weeds and bushes and briars with me in the lead. I soon surrendered that place to George, however, when we came face to face with a forbidding wall of rock. George scrambled up first and then William followed. With the latter’s manly help we two weaker creatures managed to reach the top, puffing and blowing. Dark clouds were gathering above but beyond a few sprinkles nothing exciting happened. As we struggled upward I expected to see a snake at every step but was disappointed rather pleasantly.
At last we reached the top of the ridge and there found a road. We soon left it for a path through the woods. There was a heavenly breeze (or rather, wind) and as it swayed the great trees it sounded like the ocean. We soon came out again on a road and could see the other side of the mountains. We passed a house on the mountaintop and two dogs came out to greet us. We humored them and got by unharmed.
George insisted that the way to go was down a hill to a well and then up again when it would have been much easier to have stayed on the top. We felt so free and strong up there on the mountain path with the wind and the clouds above and the green world about us. At a certain high point we caught a distant glimpse of the tower and we thought we’d never get there. It looked to be on another ridge. We went down into little valleys and up steep hills and finally sat down to rest and take a “swig” of water. We went through a pine forest that smelled so sweet and finally on to the very top of the mountain. It was very beautiful with small green bushes and trees and the clouds got darker and “windier” and we felt rain drops. George and I fervently hoped it would rain hard but William and Helen didn’t want to get wet.
After passing a big dead tree which, George declared, would be perfect with a buzzard perched on one of its black limbs, we came into different country. It was on the side of the mountain through higher bushes that had to be pushed aside and with tall trees rising above. Oooh! I loved it so much! We turned soon and went down to the left over the pine needle-carpeted path and out into the open again. Here we saw the wire that led evidently to the tower.
We went on and on and finally ran down a steep hill to the ruins of a cabin which we girls had found last November. It was deserted then but had burned since. We “nosed” around a few minutes and then followed the path until it cam out into the road leading through an old orchard. There were apples on the trees but they were far from ripe. Out of the orchard and down the overgrown-with-weeds-road to the gravel road leading to the tower. Just at the bend there was a spring where we quenched our thirst and filled Helen’s water jar. Then we started up the hill and the gravels were very hard to walk on. It seemed such a long way but finally the tower rose ahead of us and at long last we reached it.
George and William (extraordinary creatures) actually had the strength to immediately ascend the steel structure and sat there on the top step under the cabin to eat their lunch. Helen and I were contented with a boulder which proved to be very comfortable. I drank water till I couldn’t hold any more and only had room for one big meat sandwich. Helen’s sandwiches tasted of mothballs due to the fact that George had not been very careful with the bag he had carried our lunches in (Mother’s bathing suit, rubber-lined bag) and which had just before been taken from the cedar chest encamped in mothballs. One sandwich had come unwrapped and was dirty beyond repair. George and William threw papers down and the wind carried most of them into the trees.
After lunching Helen and I ascended the tower and sat down with the boys to see how loud we could yell. Thought the wind would blow us away. Then we descended and went over to the cabin. We played a few games of hide-and-seek and then Helen sat down to empty her shoes. I yielded to temptation and threw one shoe to George. He ran over to the tower, went up and threw it out. None the worse so on the way back to the cabin I extracted the laces and Helen thought George had them. While she was going after him, I carefully placed the laces where she had been sitting and went over to see how George was defending himself. Helen soon suspected me and I advised her to go back to the cabin since she was sure to find she’d left them there. Of course she found them.
Meantime George had been getting very brave and was climbing off the steps and around the steel bars. I soon followed his example and it was lots of un. William and Helen said they wouldn’t do it. They finally went off to explore and I got very brave and declared I was going to walk a cross-bar about 20 feet (or more -- I have no idea of height or length or distance) from the ground without holding -- there was nothing to hold to. But George said, “I wouldn’t do it, I wouldn’t do it.” He wouldn’t even dare me to. Nevertheless I started across and I’m sure I could have done it if George had kept quiet but was very discouraging so I decided not to risk my bones.
Helen and William returned and began climbing around, too. William’s arms and legs are so long that he could walk the cross-bar and hold at the same time. Helen was as positive as I that she could walk it, too, without losing her balance but the boys did everything but encourage her. Then we all started sliding from one “floor” to another. The bars were somewhat like this: (here she drew a small graphic). Anyway it wasn’t very safe but we weren’t a bit scared. We thus risked our limbs until 1:30 when we decided to set out for home. Our hands were black with dust, rust, and dirt and it was nice not to have to be so careful about what you touched. George and I held hands and George tried to induce Helen and William to but it didn’t work.
Just as we came in sight of the spring it started to rain and we could see the storm coming fast across the mountains to the north. We filled the water containers and then Helen and William “lit out” for the one-time hog pens near the ruins of the house. They would at least afford a shelter from the rain. George and I followed and we hoped it would just pour -- so romantic. When we reached the old orchard George broke two big branches off a sassafras tree as a protection against the rain and we held them as best we could against the driving wind. We were so camouflaged from the trees in the orchard -- except for our protruding feet. By the time we reached Helen and William at the “shelter” the rain had stopped and the blue sky was chasing the rain clouds away. George and I voiced our regrets but Helen and William were jubilant!
We started back the way we came. William teased me about Earl -- in fact, they all did. When we came to the spot where we had met the wire we didn’t turn off but kept on a path to the right. I don’t think Helen noticed it at first or she wouldn’t have gone so calmly a different way. It was just like walking through a jungle and it was fun to pretend we were. We soon came to the conclusion that we were definitely on the wrong side of the mountain and more likely to end up in Oakdale than in Harriman. We drank water at intervals and I ate my other sandwich. The others nibbled George’s fudge. Finally after a lot of ups and downs we got on the right side of the mountain and started downward.
The wind was very strong. The side of the mountain was very steep and the trail led over rocks and around trees and was slippery with dust. Helen was in the lead, then William, me, and George bringing up the rear. I was just remarking, “It’s about time that one of us fell, we usually d--” when my feet left the ground and my -- er, bottom hit it -- and hard! William came to a belated rescue while Helen and George doubled up with laughter. When I had sufficiently recovered from the rather painful contact I, too, laughed. It was so very close. We sat down and rested for a few minutes and then continued. William stuck to the ship pretty closely for a while after my unhappy experience. Once George, while practicing his policy of “leap, don’t run,” missed a sharp curve and we found him reclining on a smooth boulder.
With no further mishap we reached the bottom at about 3:30. Followed a gravel road until we at last came out near Massop. My legs felt as if they would fall out of their sockets. At long last we reached William’s house and Helen and I immediately plopped down on the front porch swing and rested. Both of us could boast sun-burned noses. Helen’s was so red! Soon Mr. and Mrs. Farmer returned from work and inquired about our hike.
After we were refreshed with ice water, William got the car and drove us home. We passed Earl and George loudly informed him that I was in the car. He waved to Mary as we drove past the Webbs. At length we got home and parted. Mom and Dad were away but Mom came just as I was entering the bath tub. Was I dirty?! And I had some funny scratches on my leg.
Drove to town with Mom after bath and then came back and read magazine story. It was unpleasantly cool and looked like rain. The breeze was a December one. Dad came soon with letters from Maggie and Greta. Dad and Mom had been to the movies to see the Kiwanis-sponsored “Little Men.” Dad positively didn’t like it but Mom did.
I loved this morning on the mountain but somehow I didn’t like the afternoon so well. After supper I read the letters and settled down to answer them. Dad went to a meeting. About 7:30 Carlyle and his pretty wife, Elizabeth, came to call. I played the piano for them. Elizabeth used to teach piano and said I played the Prelude very well. She is more friendly than she was last year. When they left I finished the letter and then to bed.
Aloys F., age 16, County Cork, Ireland
June 4, 1926
Wanted to make 9 1st Fridays, but Mám won’t let me begin now, as I am in bad health, according to her. – Yesterday I got no 8 of ‘Lands and Peoples’. It is very interesting on China and Manchuria. Nos. 7 and 9 are yet due on account of strike. – Read Macauley’s III chap again last night. It is incredible that in 1685 the population of England was only 5,000,000. He says that even up to the 18th century, north of the Trent was in a semi-barbarous state. In 1655 also, the army was miserably small and undisciplined, and the captains in the navy were all titled men who were absolutely incapable. – Got a letter from Julia yesterday, also. She is really too kind. I got great stamps from Gerard Hilser, cigarette pictures etc. – It is said that Spain has got hold of documents which prove that at first Abd El Krim was supported by France, and then the latter turned against him. Spain wants to get Abd El Krim from the French and imprison him. – No results are out about the exams except in history. I got 1st with 238/300. Next was Conny Deasy with 200. – Was delighted to find Fr. Pat here when I came home. We had great talk about the catacombs, Coliseum and Villa d’Este. I drove his car a little on the terrace. Mám, Nannie and I went with him on her way home, as far as the Western Rd. Met Miss O’Brien, and had to go on a message for her to Mrs. Neeson’s.
*(Original Archive Copyright © Estate of Aloys Fleischmann. The Fleischmann Diaries Online Archive by Róisín O’Brien is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Used with permission.)
Henry S., age 26, Michigan
June 4, 1888
I went over to Mr. Butlers this forenoon to get some more ideas about grammar. I think I could comprehend it merely if I could study with for a long enough time. He and Mr. Cushman think they want my typewriter, and I guess I will sell it to them. I worked some in the garden this afternoon. Pa and Willie went to Dexter this afternoon, and I had a letter from ma telling of the good time she is having. I also got a letter from Ida Spoor. I received a specimen of the Pen Art Herald.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Henry S., age 25, Michigan
June 4, 1887
I went up town with Fred Neill this morning, he took a load of things up for Mr. Bilderback. I got an oil barrel and burned it out, to have for water. I don’t know how well it will work. I rode Jimmie up town about noon to see if any word from Kate had come, but there was none. I felt a good deal disappointed, for I am so anxious to have her home, and am afraid she or baby may be sick. It has rained the most of the afternoon. I stayed in and red the papers and tried to sleep, but sweat so I could not rest. Fred Neill and I went down to Crystal Lake tonight to fish, but the fish would not bite. It rained hard as we came home, it will do good.
*(R. Henry Scadin Collection, D.H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville)
Abbie B., age 22, Kansas
June 4, 1871
This has been an unusually long day—and I feel depressed. A shower is coming, hope it will cool the air.
The heavy rains raised the river, and a heard of cattle in crossing, stampeeded, and 15 or 20 were drownded. Every week thousands of Texas cattle are driven north over the trail. If the cattle stampede, and dont want to cross the river, the hearders yell and fire off their revolvers.
Sometimes we hear them here, and it sounds—as I suppose a battle does. It is the cattle that keep the trail worn so smooth. Their droppings are called “cow chips,” and when dry, are burned by those who have no wood.
Before Mrs. N left, two skunks fought on her door step— then ran to the spring, and scented that, that they could not use the water. Mrs. Lucky carried a revolver at her side, but when a skunk scared her she forgot to use it. I have not seen her since Mrs. N moved. I think she moved too.
It is windy, and the cotton wood seed is flying each with a bit of cotton, making it look like a snowstorm. Here come the boys and the rain too.
*(kansasmemory.org, Kansas State Historical Society, copy and reuse restrictions apply)
Cornelia H., age 26, North Carolina
June 4, 1863
Mr. Henry & Harrie went to Asheville today. It was late when they got back, at least sunset. We still hold Vicksburg & our prospects are bright. Our forces are confident of holding it. I finished Willie’s dress & began Zona’s. Pinck Allen is still a deserter, also his brother in law Bryson. Allen says he will never go back to the 25th Reg. & Bryson says he don’t intend to go the 60th or any other. Rachel Allen came to see Harrie yesterday about Pinck. Harrie told her he could do nothing for him.
*(Fear in North Carolina: The Civil War Journals and Letters of the Henry Family, Eds. Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, used with permission.)
Cornelia H., age 25, North Carolina
June 4, 1862
Mr. Henry went to Asheville. The battle at Richmond was fought on the 31st May & Sunday 2nd June. Terrible slaughter on both sides. I made Zona’s & Willie’s bonnetts today. All are well. Warm & fair. No news.
*(Fear in North Carolina: The Civil War Journals and Letters of the Henry Family, Eds. Karen L. Clinard and Richard Russell, used with permission.)
Samuel P., age 35, London
June 4, 1668
Up, and to the office, where all the morning, and at noon home to dinner, where Mr. Clerke, the solicitor, dined with me and my clerks. After dinner I carried and set him down at the Temple, he observing to me how St. Sepulchre’s church steeple is repaired already a good deal, and the Fleet Bridge is contracted for by the City to begin to be built this summer, which do please me mightily. I to White Hall, and walked through the Park for a little ayre; and so back to the Council-chamber, to the Committee of the Navy, about the business of fitting the present fleete, suitable to the money given, which, as the King orders it, and by what appears, will be very little; and so as I perceive the Duke of York will have nothing to command, nor can intend to go abroad. But it is pretty to see how careful these great men are to do every thing so as they may answer it to the Parliament, thinking themselves safe in nothing but where the judges, with whom they often advise, do say the matter is doubtful; and so they take upon themselves then to be the chief persons to interpret what is doubtful. Thence home, and all the evening to set matters in order against my going to Brampton to-morrow, being resolved upon my journey, and having the Duke of York’s leave again to-day; though I do plainly see that I can very ill be spared now, there being much business, especially about this, which I have attended the Council about, and I the man that am alone consulted with; and, besides, my Lord Brouncker is at this time ill, and Sir W. Pen. So things being put in order at the Office, I home to do the like there; and so to bed.
*(The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A. F.R.S., edited by Henry B. Wheatley F.S.A., London, George Bell & Sons York St. Covent Garden, Cambridge Deighton Bell & Co., 1893.)