January 1960

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 1, 1960

New Year’s Day. Up early. Had two breakfast guests Jim and G.B. Lo did many things. Took care of ornaments etc. put away in attic. I did kitchen work then out to cabin. Watched parade on color T.V. Fed cats milk let them on porch. Lo took care of water softener and fed ponies. Burned greens and cut up tree. No cleaning, too tired so just picked up. Came home at 3:30, so very quiet.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 3, 1960

Picked Carrie up for S.S. Came after church, stayed until 3:30, then took her to church and home from there. Later we picked over things and got many of them straightened. David went back to school.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 4, 1960

Did a big wash, Mrs. B. came over for coffee. Her group playing cards at Mrs. Belcher’s this P.M. So cold, clothes froze stiff hard to get off the line. Front line broke as the last pieces were taken down. Lo had den lamp fixed. New switch, so good, have missed it.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 5, 1960

Waiting for TV man so didn’t leave the house. Mrs. B. came here. Man didn’t come until 12:30. Took care of TV also fixed a radio for upstairs. Finished ironing, later went to Service Class at Mrs. B.’s. Edna’s car wouldn’t start. Lo had left the house so Carrie didn’t get there. Late getting home helped with dishes.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 6, 1960

Didn’t go to WSCS. Carrie did Mrs. Sprinkle picked her up. Went down in eve. with coffee etc. Watched Perry on TV.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 8, 1960

Getting a few things out of the way. Mae called as I was getting dressed to go for a perm. at 10:00. Didn’t get home until 1:30. Made cookies, later off to the cabin. After eating drove to Elgin. Uncle W. not too good. Maggie looked badly.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 9, 1960

Not doing much arm and shoulder really bad. Were to go out to eat so didn’t cook nor bake. Cooks, G, B and me went to Burlington to eat. Very good.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 10, 1960

Up as usual, went for Carrie then home. Lo didn’t sleep well nor I. Lo did all manner of things. Carrie came after church. We ate, later Lo worked on maple chair. Took Carrie home at 4:00 then out to cabin to clean out fireplace. Called Amy as she had been in to see Ole; learned he’d had surgery and was really sick. Asked me to go in but didn’t. Shoulder and arm miserable besides Ella was here and going. Couldn’t have talked with Ole anyway he too sick. Lo became sick from fumes etc, hot tea and a hot bath helped.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 11, 1960

Washed but no drying day. Hung a few at a time in basement. Over to Mrs. B’s had coffee but no food not feeling too good.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 12, 1960

Rained all nite and still at it. Mrs. B. to have her hair done then to Milli’s for dinner at noon with the women. Ironed what was dry, then out to feed cats and Lo fed ponies. Home to get ready for Bank dinner at Marian Hi School. A bad nite. They made it O.K. Went with Doc and Helen.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 13, 1960

Did some more ironing. Mrs. B. came for coffee and apple sauce cake. Was out cleaning up Lo’s car when Bess came. Stayed until 5:30 when Lo took her home. While here I called Alice Rosenthal so Bess could find out how the mother was (broken hip and rib). Called Amy to see about Ole. Del had been in. A little better but not good no appetite. Walking a little by himself. Later on arrived home from cabin. Saw D.R. lite on, both said maybe Harry, sure enough came at 7:30.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 14, 1960

Harry went to Carrie’s in forenoon, came home about 3:00. Later went to cabin he was really surprised at the number of ponies and the size of the barn and cabin.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 15, 1960

Had snowed in nite and still at it. Harry seemed to have a cold, very damp he didn't go to Carrie's.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 16, 1960

Cooks at with us. Baked pie and cooked meat here the rest at cabin. Went in Lo’s car, ground pretty soft. G.B. came alone and went home early.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 17, 1960

Picked Carrie up, took her blanket and one from here for refugee relief. We rode around a little after taking her home. I called Amy they had been in to see Ole. Bob came to Hosp., too.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 22, 1960

Expecting K.J. on 7:30. Went to have hair done at 10:15, home after 12:00. Lo shopped for meat etc. Amy called, Ole coming home Sunday.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 23, 1960

Baked pie and cooked leg of lamb. Lo took K.J., Harry and I out to cabin, a pretty day enjoyed being there. Harry and K.J. liked it too. Cooks came with G.B. and Lo and all went home in his car as he had snow tires.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 24, 1960

Didn’t want to send K.J. home on train as it would be late so Harry and I went along when Lo took her home. Carrie was here to eat with us but didn’t want to go. Stayed in Beloit long enough to have coffee.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 25, 1960

Did quite a bit of cleaning up stairs so linty and dusty. A nice bright day. Lo took Helen and I up to see Ole. Seemed so glad to see us. Stayed while Loie shopped. Ole not eating much seemed pretty weak. In eve. went up to see Bess. Edw. not home.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 26, 1960

Lo took us up to Ole’s at 1:00 and came for us at 2:00. He seemed better. Wrote to Mary, Harry mailed it at P.O. Saw Edw. at P.O. also Del.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 27, 1960

A very slippery day. Had several ‘phone calls. Went to see Ole for 20 min. then Lo left me at Sprinkle’s for Circle meeting. 20 present two guests.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 28, 1960

Harry talked of going home Friday. We went down to Carries, stayed there for lunch. I cooked pot roast and baked cookies and apple sauce cake.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
January 29, 1960

Up as usual and hadn’t left breakfast table when Bob walked in. Sure lucky Harry got to see him. Made coffee and more coffee. Didn’t do things for Harry that I had planned to do. A little upset. Hugh brot oil so he had coffee too. Lo picked Harry up for train. It was on time. It was surely a lonesome P.M. Lo and I to see Ole in eve.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois 
January 30, 1960  

Cleaned all over up stairs. Took me all A.M. Lo didn’t come home to lunch so ate alone. I was hungry so didn’t mind. Julius W. came and before he left Bob came in so got to see J. Loie had asked Jim to come to cabin to eat with us they picked us up. Had steak.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois 
January 31, 1960  

Got Carrie as usual. Merchants brot her over after church. Made waffles and she surely enjoyed them as well as we. Took her home at 4:00. The rest of the day and evening we relaxed.

Sarah Simpson