March 1960

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 1, 1960

Up early as Lo wanted to get to office to be by herself. However as always all were there and it continued thru out the A.M. so didn’t accomplish what she had planned as usual. Very cold this A.M. nearly zero but sun shining which helps and not as windy as yesterday. Carrie’s cold worse yesterday. Didn’t hear today. Amy picking us up for Service Class so late! 13 plus 1 guest. Handed in 2.25 for vanilla.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 2, 1960

Not as cold predict snow later. Mrs. B. phoned also Mele Pierce. Lo late getting home to lunch in the meantime J.M. and Ida came. As it was snowing some J. wouldn’t stay said we would have a bad storm. Lo come right after one. I’m fixing the hem in her new dress.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 3, 1960

Finished hem in dress but am not satisfied I may take it out. Wrote to Mary. Lo had hair done then went with Jim to feed. Snow had drifted in badly so didn’t go out but ate our meal at home. Lo trying to get everything done before Geo leaves Saturday for Phoenix.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 4, 1960

Lo and Jim went out between 12 and 1. It had been plowed out. However it was blown full again when Geo and Lo went out later and got stuck. Ate at home. Got every thing ready for Geo to leave in the A.M. when Einer came to town so won’t go for a few days until he takes care of his business and all will go together.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 5, 1960

Very cold. Cleaned some, baked pie, got things ready for eve. Thot we were going to eat at home but learned later we were to pick up the Cooks and go out to cabin. Came home shortly after 8:00 as Lo had seen Kay and was coming about 8:30. Geo getting set for A.M. Doc was to drive them to airport when he got word from Einer not going because of bad cold Dr. advised not going.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 6, 1960

Bright and sunny but cold, near zero. Picked Carrie up. She stayed to church. Had waffles at noon. Took her home at 3:30. Later went to the show. Cash McCall. Good. Came home and ate and watched T.V.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 7, 1960

At 6:30 Geo called going today. Beautiful day still cold. Washed, the porch and basement full. Lo came to lunch. She and Jim going out to feed live stock. After leaving office Lo shopped at A&P and Piggley’s. After eating we left for Elgin to do a little shopping. Too late to go to see the folks.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 8, 1960

Up quite early and took clothes down. Later washed my bedroom rugs and yellow one. Thot of going to Elgin but weather predictions not good but could have made it.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 9, 1960

Woke up early, cloudy and thot it might snow but didn’t. Did numerous things then called Mrs. B. Every day do a little cleaning etc. Lo and Jim fed stock. I did a little baking. Had a letter from Fran. Lo decided to go to cabin and watch TV. I cleaned refrigerator, watered plants, took care of turtle. It had begun to snow while we were there but stayed and watched Perry and This Is Your Life.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 10, 1960

Cleaned north side of pantry. Washed all dishes. Wasn’t thru until after noon. Lo thot if she got out reasonably early we would go to Meadowdale and Elgin which we did and Lo got aqua curtains for her room and pink ones for mine. The Walkers and Maggie not so good. Late when we got home.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 11, 1960

Dull day early, gloomy. Hadn’t done much when Bob and friend walked in. Got some breakfast for them. Hugh brot oil and had coffee, cookies and donuts. Took the rest of the A.M. to get straightened out. Pressed curtains and cleaned up Lo’s room. Didn’t get the door curtain fixed. Lo had a call from Geo and Einer. Lo late coming home but went to the cabin, enjoyed colored TV telephone hour.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 12, 1960

Hung my curtains and cleaned my room. Also extra in bath and hall. Made a small cake. Got ready to go with Cooks to eat at the Evergreens. Came home early and watched TV then to bed.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 13, 1960

Stayed in bed a little later than usual. Doc brot us a paper. Had breakfast then picked Carrie up. Lo got gas then home to do many things. Lo cleaned bath room cabinet her book case then out to feed ponies and cats. Took Jim along. After eating Lo did (washed) kitchen ceiling. I helped then took Carrie home. Lo bathed then picked Bess up, rode for a while, home to have coffee. Lo and Cooks went to funeral home for Mrs. Freeman. Bob and friend, Amy and Del went in to see Ole. Much improved.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 14, 1960

Amy in hospital for XRay and tests.  Had interruptions so didn’t get along so well with the washing rather slow. Lo didn’t shop till eve — she went to funeral (Freeman) at 11:00 got home to eat after 12:00, had been to market. Trying to get door curtains done. Before 9:00 Geo called, coming tomorrow P.M.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 15, 1960

Ironed and had several ’phone calls. Finally got at Lo’s door curtains and finished them. Everything ready for eve meal so went to cabin. Thot we’d stay for eve shows. Back to town after 9:00. Geo at office with Bill had just gotten home. Called Helen Lee in P.M. She had just picked Amy up. Found nothing wrong.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 16, 1960

Snow had been predicted and it sure was raging and blowing. Canceled hair appointment. Shoveled snow from porches, brot rug in full of snow and wet. Scrubbed it and rinsed. Lo and Jim out to feed animals early P.M. Geo came to eat had sirloin. Made apple sauce cake and pudding.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 17, 1960

Wrote to Fla., Harry and Mary. Did my door curtain then cleaned off upper porch. Turned colder.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 18, 1960

A beautiful bright day. Cold early but temp. rising. Some thawing. Cleaned dining room closet and did various little jobs, just organizing to make it easier later.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 19, 1960

Baked date sticks, cake for short cake for eve. meal and a pumpkin pie for Jim. Cooks and Geo. and Jim to eat with us at cabin, having steaks. After baking worked on curtains no end to the work. Had set backs such as water on back porch just full. Moving things. Helen and we came in before nine, no program watching.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 20, 1960

Up early came down just as Geo came in. They went out to cabin. Picked Carrie up after 9:00. Lo filled her car up then home. I cooked meat etc. then worked on curtains. Pressed and got the door ones up and pantry. Later fixed the transom. Lo took down lite fix in back rooms. I washed them she put them back. Still working on curtains. No good TV.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 21, 1960

Up early didn’t wash. Got at the kitchen curtains again and so glad when finished not 100% but pretty good. Lo to bed quite early. I cleaned silver and [?]lite, also some copper in eve. after Lo shopped. Cooked prunes and kid. for cats and ground. Cleaned kitchen floor and waxed it. Washed our underthings. To bed at midnite. The windiest eve. and nite I ever remember.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 22, 1960

Up and at them again this A.M. Went to vote at 7:30, on selling lite plant or keep it. Won by a big majority for selling. Made one cake, baked cookies for ourselves, rice pudding and cooked our meat for eve. Then made 2nd cake. Lo picked me up for my hair appt. at 2:30. Came home at 4:00, didn’t accomplish a thing. Elain called. Went out to feed. Not windy today out there.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 23, 1960

Circle here today. Worked every minute till the women came. Lo picked Carrie up shortly after 12:00. All set for 20 only 12 came including Carrie and myself. A little later Ethel Lind came, then Carlota. I was very disappointed as no more chance to have this group all together. Carlota stayed and visited, did only part of the dishes at that time later Lo wiped and put away.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 24, 1960

Thurs. A.M. Suddenly it began to snow and blow, not as bad here as many places, cars piled up on hi ways. Didn’t last too long. Sun came out. Sleepy and tired today. Didn’t do too much. Lo came home before 4:00. Went out to cabin from there went to Elgin. First went down town to Spiess. Lo bot a picture for cabin. Picked Maggie up then to Walkers. M. had glassware for Lo. Nothing much any one would want.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 25, 1960

Mrs. B. called quite early, had quite a visit. Later talked with Mary M. In P.M. began snowing was not predicted until later. 2 to 3 inches very lite. Took paper and junk out to burn. Came home and swept porches. Lo cleaned walks. Talked with Amy. Ole expected to undergo surgery Wed. but wouldn’t know until later. He didn’t want them to come in this week end will go later. David came home with a boy from Lombard. Josephine Kruse picked the boys up there, Amy went along.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 26, 1960

Called Mrs. B. as she was ready to leave with Russel. Made cheesecake for dessert also a cake (choc.) and a new recipe of cookies. Cook meat and every thing ready for eve. Lo came home and said Cooks weren’t coming as Prince Albert on his way here. Lo’s little maple chair and cushions were delivered.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 27, 1960

A real nice A.M. a tiny shower here and there. Picked Carrie up for Sunday school. She was quite late getting here. So many things needed doing at cabin. Decided to go out and do them as soon as dishes were done. Lo got milk for Carrie, took her home and we went out. Cleared up wood in garage, replaced outside lite, vacuumed and dusted. Scrubbed table and benches, home to eat and bathe and to bed.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 28, 1960

Not a good wash day but did it anyway, no drying except in basement. Lo took noon train at C.L. for city. Something up her sleeve. Geo picked me up just before 5:00. He fed cats and ponies. Lo arrived before 5:30. Very foggy. Ate our meal and home to shop at Piggly’s. Bathe and to bed once again. I wrote Ole so as to get it mailed early.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 29, 1960

By bringing things in had quite a bit of ironing. Ms. B. called, wanted me to come over so quick finished ironing, stayed for an hour or more. A beautiful day and turned so warm. The snow really disappeared not a bit in the back yard, so much water standing everywhere. Amy stopped in to say she’d heard from Ole and he was much better, not strong but feeling pretty good.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 30, 1960

Rained off and on all day very gloomy. Talked with Mrs. B. Mary M. called. Baked small cake. Did odd jobs. Wrote letters to Mary and Harry. Went out so. in our car. Ruts on gravel of course.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
March 31, 1960

Cloudy and cold no spring in the air today. Hemmed dish towels and fixed under pillow cases and various little jobs. Fixed chicken for nite and rice pudding. Water around had settled quite a bit. After we’d been home awhile Dwight called. Glad we were coming down. Filled in ruts in drive earlier, after being down to Carrie’s.

Sarah Simpson