November 1960

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 1, 1960

Still cloudy and rainy. Took Carrie papers as usual. Vanilla ready for eve. Going to Florence for service class. Edna stopped for the three of us at Carries, had Lee and Ben too a car full. A good crowd. Served pumpkin pie. Lo met Dwight at 10:30. We stayed up until after mid nite.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 2, 1960

Dwight slept late, ate and Lo took him to C.L. I went along. Pink came while I was doing dishes. Sorry to have missed D. Had a sandwich etc. then went to see Lo and on to his work. Mrs. B. came over. So very cloudy and gloomy.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 3, 1960

It surely was good to see the sun come out. Washed all but the sheets and cases. Sorry I didn’t do them too as it turned out to be such a good drying day. Too tired to do it later. Ole came in P.M. We out to cabin and back. Lo and Helen to go to Edith Bohn’s.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 4, 1960

Lo wasn’t late coming home from Edith’s so didn’t lose too much sleep. Mrs. B. came over, expects to go to Russell’s this eve for week end. Carrie was to go to a S.S. meeting but no one picked her up. It was a very bad nite raining so hard. We had thot of going to Elgin but didn’t.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 5, 1960

Went to Carrie’s with papers as usual. Didn’t stay long as had hair appt. at 10:30. Went over in the P.M. for a while then came back and did basement stairs. Glad to have them done when it snowed later.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 6, 1960

Had made arrangements for Mrs. Merchant to pick Carrie up as we were going out to work a little for the sale. Later came home had something to eat. Were on our way out, again we overtook Geo. He was coming to have Lo drive him, he’d been in an accident riding with Chicago folks and were hit by a Jeep. Geo’s shoulder hurt, having therapy for it.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 7, 1960

Had a whopping big wash. Good drying but very cold. Everything done but 2 rugs. Later they were frozen so took them to basement.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 8, 1960

A rainy nasty day. A real Democrat one. Lo took Carrie and I at 12:30. Took her home and I came to iron. In the midst Bess came. She was good for all P.M. Had coffee and cookies.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 9, 1960

Did a lot of picking up and putting away also raking, thot it might rain. Lo thot we should go to Elgin so did. They had quite a snow late afternoon. Didn’t get home until after 10:30.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 10, 1960

Up in good season so washed kitchen curtains. Over to Carrie’s and Mrs. B.’s. Back home to iron and put up door curtains before noon. Later started on rest when I saw a work man with windows so went over. Wasn’t ready to try window so came home several times. Then too late to do it, left it until tomorrow.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 11, 1960

No mail and no school today. Mrs. B called me to say window man there so went over. She came in too. Quite a job but he managed.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 12, 1960

Baked pie — cooked meat. Helen eating with us. Pink and Marian came in time to eat. They went to Dotty’s but came here to sleep. 5:30 when they arrived.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 13, 1960

We up as usual. Washed big storm and other window and got them back on. Bright and sunny. Picked Carrie up and she came for dinner. Called the folks at noon when we were ready to eat. Marian so tired. After taking Carrie home we went to cabin to wash big storms out there. Marian went to sleep Pink helped with windows we couldn’t do it alone.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 14, 1960

Washed not too good a day but they dried pretty well. Lo shopped. I took groceries over to Carrie. Mrs. B. came over we had coffee. Went to cabin, Lo and I filled wood box glad to have that done.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 15, 1960

A miserable day. Lo had a nice clean car but wouldn’t stay that way long. Late coming home. We went out to feed cats and Lo the ponies. Came back to eat. She dressed and about 2:30 she and Lily left for the north. Geo came up for a bit and listened to news. Rained so hard the back porch flooded over and over. I wrote to K.J. and Ruth.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 16, 1960

Mrs. B. over and as usual went over to Carrie’s. Almost dark when Lo and Lily came then went to cabin. Told us all about trip and eating and so on. Glad to be home — sleep in own bed.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 24, 1960

Thanksgiving Day. Up early to get pumpkin pies baked and the bird in. Took more than 7 hours. Had a full long day which was good. Del, Helen and boys came in P.M. Had coffee cheese, crax cake ice cream. All glad to come and we glad to have them.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 25, 1960

Not so tired as I had expected. Cleaned up. In P.M. washed. Bob came in P.M. and we went to Carrie’s. Bob’s sinus bad. He left for Chicago in late P.M.

Anna L., age 75, Illinois
November 27, 1960

Pink’s birthday. Usual line up. Picked Carrie up for S.S. and church. She came and ate with us. After taking her home we went to cabin to do some things. Lori to feed I to clean and fill wood box.

Sarah Simpson